Step 4: Display the payment form
- Display all payment fields (card number, expiration date, CVV, etc.) on your website.
I. Initialize the payment form
In the HEAD
of the page, you must include the following data in a <script>
- Load our JavaScript library
- Implement the public key.
Set the public key in the parameter kr-public-key
<head> (...) <script type="text/javascript" (...) kr-public-key="61881992:testpublickey_k7sM5cu1WTzkCCqU966agj3Ia3b04Pcsw4dZoeLVVUbc3" (...) </script> (...) </head>
As a reminder, it corresponds to the 3 rd key of the table.
- Add more initialization parameters.
- Add 2 initialization parameters , for example:
name | Description |
kr-post-url-success | URL to which the buyer's browser is redirected in case of a successful payment. ( recommended ) |
kr-language | Defines the language in which the form will be displayed. Accepts ISO 639-1 (en or en-US). If the parameter is not defined, the form uses the language of the browser. |
. Code sample:
<head> (...) <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="61881992:testpublickey_k7sM5cu1WTzkCCqU966agj3Ia3b04Pcsw4dZoeLVVUbc3" kr-post-url-success="paid.php"; kr-language="en-EN"> </script> (...) </head>
Référez vous à ces 2 rubriques Paramètres généraux et Paramètres de personnalisation des "placeholders" pour connaître les autres paramètres. Après la balise <script>
, choisissez un thème.
- Choose a theme.
Classic is the default theme. Here are the links to load this theme.
<head> (...) <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""> </script> (...) </head>
More info on themes.
- Adding JS functions ( optional ):
In another
tag, you can integrate events or JS methods.For more details, Event presentation and Method presentation.
Example code for the HEAD
without JS function:
<head> <!-- STEP : 1 : load the JS librairy 2 : required public key with file config.php 3 : the JS parameters url sucess and langage EN --> <script type="text/javascript" src="" kr-public-key="61881992:testpublickey_k7sM5cu1WTzkCCqU966agj3Ia3b04Pcsw4dZoeLVVUbc3" kr-post-url-success="paid.php"; kr-language="en-EN"> </script> <!-- theme CLASSIC should be loaded in the HEAD section --> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""> </script> </head>
II. Define the display mode
In the BODY
, choose the display mode that suits you.
Mode | Description |
embedded | Displays the fields of card payment (card number, expiry date, CVV, etc.) |
pop-in | Displays a payment button that opens a pop-up window containing the payment fields (card number, expiry date, CVV, etc.). |
Embedded mode | Pop-in mode |
<body> <div class="kr-embedded" kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> | <body> <div class="kr-embedded" kr-popin kr-form-token="[GENERATED FORMTOKEN]"></div> (...) </body> |
More info: Embedded Mode | More info: Pop-in mode |
III. Advanced customization
This step is optional.
Example of customization :
IV. Simplified example in PHP
In the sample
folder, the sample files are:
- embedded.php.
- popin.php.
To get more details, Example files: embedded.php and popin.php