Web Services
Description | Web service |
Create a new transaction with an embedded form | Charge/CreatePayment |
Cancel or refund a transaction | Transaction/CancelOrRefund |
Canceling a transaction | Transaction/Cancel |
Refunding a transaction | Transaction/Refund |
Create a transaction based on an existing transaction | Transaction/Duplicate |
Retrieve all the information about a transaction | Transaction/Get |
Update a transaction | Transaction/Update |
Validate a pending transaction | Transaction/Validate |
Retrieve all transactions linked to an Order ID | Order/Get |
Description | Web service |
Create a token. | Charge/CreateToken |
Retrieve all the information about a token | Token/Get |
Cancel an existing token | Token/Cancel |
Update the payment method data associated with an existing alias | Token/Update |
Update buyer data associated with an existing alias | Token/UpdateCustomerDetails |
Reactivate a token | Token/Reactivate |
Create a token using a transaction | Charge/CreateTokenFromTransaction |
Recurring payments
Description | Web service |
Create a new recurring payment | Charge/CreateSubscription |
Update an existing recurring payment | Subscription/Update |
Retrieve all the information about a recurring payment | Subscription/Get |
Cancel a recurring payment | Subscription/Cancel |
Payment orders
Description | Web service |
Creating a payment order | Charge/CreatePaymentOrder |
Retrieve a payment order | Charge/PaymentOrder/Get |
Update a payment order | Charge/PaymentOrder/Update |
Canceling a payment order | Charge/PaymentOrder/Cancel |
Description | Web service |
Add a card to a wallet during payment. Set the fieldformActionA CUSTOMER_WALLET and fill in this fieldMandatory customer.reference . | Charge/CreatePayment |
Add a card to a wallet without payment. . Seeregistration of a card without payment in a walletfor more information. | Charge/CreateToken |
Update buyer details for all cards associated with a wallet | CustomerWallet/Update |
Retrieve the list of tokens associated with a wallet | CustomerWallet/Get |
Description | Web service |
Test your integration (minimalist Web Service) | Charge/SDKTest |
PCI-DSS Web Services
The following Web Services are reserved to PCI-DSS merchants:
Description | Web service |
Create a new transaction | V4.1/PCI/Charge/CreatePayment |
Creating a transaction with external authentication | V4.1/PCI/Charge/CreatePayment |
Create a token. | PCI/Charge/CreateToken |
Verify a payment method | PCI/Charge/VerifyPaymentMethod |
Update an existing token | PCI/Token/Update |
Web Services reserved for PCI-DSS PSPs for authentication (3Dsecure or private)
Description | Web service |
Cardholder authentication service (expert mode) | PCI/Charge/Authenticate |
Cardholder authentication service (simple) | PCI/Authentication/CreateSession |
Authentication result retrieval | PCI/Authentication/GetSession |
Description | Web service |
AuthenticationResponseData | AuthenticationResponseData |
AuthenticationMessagesResponse | AuthenticationMessagesResponse |
CustomerWallet | CustomerWallet |
Response to Charge/CreatePayment within the context of embedded form | Charge/PaymentForm |
OrderTransactions | OrderTransactions |
PaymentOrder | PaymentOrder |
Payment | Payment |
ResponseCodeAnswer | Common/ResponseCodeAnswer |
Subscription | Subscription |
SubscriptionCreated | SubscriptionCreated |
Token | Token |
Transaction | Transaction |