Identifying yourself when exchanging with the payment gateway
To be able to interact with the payment gateway, the merchant needs to have:
- The shop ID: allows to identify the merchant website during the exchange. Its value is transmitted in the vads_site_id field.
- The key: allows to compute the alphanumeric signature transmitted in the signature field.
To retrieve these values:
Two types of keys are available:
- The test key that allows to generate the form signature in test mode.
- The production keythat allows to generate the form signature in production mode.
These keys can be numeric or alphanumeric.
For maximum security, it is recommended to use an alphanumeric key.
To change the format of your test key, click the Regenerate a test key button and select the format ("ALPHANUMERIC" or "NUMERIC").

To change the format of your production key, click the Regenerate a production key button and select the format ("ALPHANUMERIC" or "NUMERIC").