Accessing the user management page
Users can be managed by:
- your customer advisorSociété Générale;
- any user with user management permissions.
If your user does not have this right, please contact your company administrator or your customer advisorSociété Générale.
The user management page is accessible via the Merchant Back Office (Settings > Company > Users tab).
This tab is visible only if your user has user management permissions.

In this tab, depending on your permissions, you can:
- manage the permissions of an existing user (see: Managing user permissions);
- create a new user;
- associate access rights with a user;
- disable user access;
- search for a user;
- customize user detail display.
All the changes applied to users are recorded. Update history is accessible via Settings > Company > Event log tab.
Specific update details can be viewed by double-clicking the update in question.
The user password is valid for 90 days. After this period, the user must modify it by logging into their account.
A user of the Merchant Back Office is automatically purged if after more than 500 days:
- their account has been disabled;
- they have not logged in;
- their password has expired;
- their account has been blocked.