Transaction with successful strong authentication

- Overview:
The payment method is enrolled and the buyer has authenticated him or herself correctly on his or her bank’s authentication page (ACS).
The absence of a red exclamation mark in the various tabs indicates that the payment was successful.
The Liability shift section is set to Yes. Thus, in the event of fraud, the merchant will not be charged.
- Authentication:
The DS network responsible for the security is presented.
The payment method bin supports the v2 3D Secure protocol.
The v2 3D Secure protocol is also supported by the acquirer.
A challenge (strong authentication with interaction) has been required and successfully performed for the transaction.
- Authentication data:
- Proof of authentication: sensitive data (CAVV, AEVV or AAV) that proves cardholder authentication by the ACS is present and masked.
- E-commerce indicator: the buyer has correctly authenticated him or herself. The 05 value indicates successful authentication for CB, VISA and AMEX. The 02 value indicates successful authentication for MasterCard.
- Merchant preference: the No preference value indicates that the merchant has not chosen the authentication method.
- Authentication details:
The detailed timeline of the events is displayed for better traceability in case technical assistance is required.