Transaction with failed 3D Secure authentication

The red exclamation mark to the left of the tab name indicates that the reason for rejection is related to 3D Secure authentication.
The payment method is enrolled for 3D Secure and strong authentication (challenge) was required.
The Authentication Status (“Failed”) indicates that the cardholder has not authenticated correctly on his or her bank’s authentication site (ACS).
- “39: 3D Secure was declined for this transaction”: corresponds to an incorrect entry of the authentication code, which resulted in the payment being refused.
- “206: 3D Secure - A technical error occurred during the process":
This type of error can occur when the buyer performs the transaction using a cell phone with insufficient memory. The transaction fails during the authentication phase and the ACS shows us an error message visible in the transaction details.
Example: “Error received from the ACS: TRANSACTION_DATA_NOT_VALID"
- “207: Refusal of the authentication by the issuer (Transaction not allowed for this cardholder)”:
This error appears when the authentication servers (ACS) reject the authentication.
The buyer must ask their bank if the card used for the payment allows payments with 3DS2 authentication and/or payments via an e-commerce website.
Status reason: "12-Transaction not allowed for this cardholder"