Requesting for the payment method to be saved
If you have signed up for the Management of payments by token service, you can offer your clients the possibility to associate a token with a payment method, in order to facilitate their future payments on the website (no more need to re-enter the credit card number or the IBAN).
Tokens allow you to:
- Make fast and secure payments.
The buyer no longer has to fill in bank details when making subsequent payments (1-click payment).
The gateway stores the bank details in a highly secure environment, in accordance with the PCI-DSS requirements. Only the token is transferred during the exchange.
- Make recurring payments (subscriptions).
The Token creation during the payment section contains three options:

- Do not create a token
Default value. Allows to create a payment order without registering the payment method.
- Offer the buyer to create a token
Allows to display a checkbox on the payment page. If the buyer checks it, the payment method is registered.
The token is visible in the transaction details (Buyer tab).
- Automatically create a token
Allows to automatically register the payment method.
The token is visible in the transaction details (Buyer tab).