Building the form

- List of available fields
A field list is provided to the Merchant. The labels for these fields are pre-filled but can be edited.
Empty description fields (Info 1, Info 2, Info 3) are available for adding order details. You can rename and/or configure them.
It is also possible to add new fields and configure them.
The fields available by default (Title, Last name, First name, Address, etc.) are displayed by default in the language of the shop.
If you wish to change the display language of these fields, contact your customer advisorSociété Générale.
- Configuration of the selected field
Allows you to configure the field selected from the List of available fields.
A default configuration is proposed for each field and the content is translated into the language of the shop. You can change the default values except for the field type.
However, pay attention, since when you change a default label in the Name displayed or Pop-up info fields, the newly entered content will be displayed in the input language even if the language of the shop changes.
The translation will no longer be automatic and linked to the language of the shop as for the other fields proposed by default.
Even if the Amount to be paid is customizable, its value is always presented in one currency, the one used by default by the shop.
- Build the formThis area allows the Merchant to organize their form. It is made up of two sections:
- Required fields: to confirm the purchase, the Buyer must fill in these fields which will be marked with an asterisk (*) in the payment form.
- Optional fields: they are displayed in the payment form but the buyer does not have to fill them out.